Where does it go from here? Ooh, look at me! I don't sit in chairs! That's sooo riveting! It really isn't that interesting, is it? It seems less so in the middle of a moratorium on going places where people gather in seats; restaurants, bars, concerts, theaters, the DMV, etc. Medical clinics could be fun, no? "Have a seat. The doctor will be right with you." "No thank you." So far, there have been no awkward exchanges with friends to write about concerning my refusal to sit in chairs. Would I be more or less irritating than the guest with special dietary concerns? "Shall we invite Dave to dinner?" "Nah. He just stands there. It's so exhausting!"
I really did have something I wanted to say, earlier in the day, but I didn't strike while the iron was hot. Now, I'm here, struggling to put worthy words on the screen. How did not sitting in a chair today make my experience worth reading? Let's see... I stayed in bed until my body screamed at me to get up, aimlessly avoided sitting in a chair after getting out of bed to do chores, returned to the bed after breakfast to write some code while prostrate, managed to not fall down during taekwondo class, fell prostrate onto my floor because my intercostals wouldn't stop cramping, carried three bags of groceries for a quarter mile, stood while eating dinner, played Shanghai on the bed with my wife and daughter, and here we are. Nothing of interest to report today.
I suppose this is where the rubber meets the road. To find the extraordinary in the mundane. To find drama in the banal. This is what separates decent writers from hacks. Which will I be? Only time will tell. Or a comments section if I ever get around to it!